
Things to know


No Quick Fixes
Training takes time, and commitment. Most successful training plans can span weeks/months, and regular training appointments are necessary to keep you both on track.

No Guarantee
It’s impossible to guarantee results, so I wont. But what I can promise is that I’ll be honest, I will help you set realistic goals, and I will be there to support you on this journey. If I do not have the expertise to help you I will refer you to another professional who does.

I do not enforce a cancellation penalty. I understand that life happens and sometimes things come up at short notice. Saying that, if you consistently cancel our appointments with little or no notice I may change my policy. Please try and give me 48 hours when possible. In the case that I need to cancel/reschedule I will contact you by phone and/or email.

Upon registration payment must be made in full unless otherwise arranged with Your Senior Dog. You can either pay with a credit card via the website, or an etransfer can be sent to saffrina@yourseniordog.ca After payment for services have been made refunds are not offered.

I love working with children, but we need to keep them safe. Anyone under the age of 16 needs to be accompanied by an adult, and children under the age of 8 need to be supervised by a second adult.

Your dog needs remain on leash at all times during outdoor training sessions, unless instructed otherwise, and any behaviour concerns must be disclosed in writing prior to training.

Client’s Responsibility
You are responsible for your dog's actions and behaviour at all times, and agree to assume full legal, and financial responsibility for all actions and behaviours of your dog.

Training Equipment
I do not condone the use of aversive force when training, this includes the use of prong, shock, and choke chains. Instead I promote the use of a harness, flat buckled collars, solid leash (no retractables) and basket muzzles.

Photos & Video
I may take photos and short videos of the work we do with your dog, and often post these images on social media, or in educational material. If you are uncomfortable with this please let me know. I will not use a photo with you in it without asking first.